E. Bick 2009
Semantic prototype tags for nouns
The GrammarSoft/VISL parsers assign angle-bracketed semantical tags for most nouns and verbs and some adjectives. The semantic tags used for nouns are prototype classes, like <Hprof> for 'professional', which again translate into a subset of atomic features taken from a list of 16 values. The semantic tags are bilingually motivated (eo help disambiguate translation alternatives) and polysemic words will thus have several tags. The semantical subsystem is in an experimental stage, and not subject to a full disambiguation at the present time, though it can - together with the valency subsystem - yield a fair degree of polysemy resolution even now.
There are 150-200 tags in all, most of which can be lumped in 22 major umbrella classes:
<A> animal
<B> plant (“botanical”)
<H>, <org>, <inst> human types and human-acting types
<L>, <build>, <dir> natural or artificial places, location, direction
<V> vehicle
<ac>, <am>, <geom>, <meta> abstract concepts not included in other classes
<act>, <event>, <process>, <occ>, <talk>, <fight> deverbals: actions, events and processes
<an> anatomical concepts
<cc>, <con>, <furn> things (concrete and countable)
<clo> clothing
<cm>, <mat> natural or artificial substances and materials (concrete and mass)
<coll>, <part>, <piece> collectives and parts
<domain>, <ism>, <genre>, <ling>, <sport>, <game> domain concepts
<f>, <col> features, colours and psychological traits
<food>, <drink>, <fruit> food and drink
<percep> perceptions and feelings
<sem>, <conv> semantic products, semiotic artefacts
<sit>, <state>, <pos>, <system> state of affairs
<temp>, <per>, <month> time prototypes
<tool>, <mach> tools and machines
<unit>, <cur>, <dur>, <amount>, <mon> units and quantities
<wea> weather phenomena
Subtype specifications are attached to hyperonyms in lower case. Such subdivisions are inspired by “disambiguational usefulness”, but often follow a few broad principles:
taxonomical (animals, plants)
teleological, “verb” based (used for what, eg. <tool-cut>, <sem-r> for reading)
5 senses, passive (e.g. hearing) or active (e.g. listening)
countable vs. mass (-c)
atomic semantic features: e.g. ± control, ± perfective
natural vs. artificial (-h)
The semantic prototype list below is in alphabetical order, with uppercase tags first, and provides English definitions as well as one or two examples for each language. An asterisk (*) means that a category is experimental, either as such or for a particular language. Danish examples were chosen to represent Scandinavian languages , while the Romance language family is represented by Portuguese.
Animal prototypes:
Tag |
<A> |
animal (umbrella tag) |
dyr |
fêmea, parasito |
Tier |
<AA> |
group of animals |
flok |
cardume, enxame |
Herde |
<Adom> |
domestic animal (likely to have female forms) |
hest, kvie |
cachorro, leão |
Katze, Pferd, Stute |
<Aich> |
water-animal |
fisk, søhest |
tubarão, delfim |
Hecht, Wal |
<Amyth> |
mythological animal |
drage |
basilisco |
Einhorn |
<Azo> |
land-animal |
skildpadde |
raposa |
Dachs, Eidechse |
<Aorn> |
bird |
ørn, solsort |
águia, bem-te-vi |
Elster, Spatz |
<Aent> |
insect |
myg |
borboleta |
Schmetterling |
<Acell> (<AB>) |
cell-animal (bacteria, blood cells) |
ægcelle |
linfócito |
Virus |
Plant prototypes:
Tag |
<B> |
plant (umbrella tag) |
vækst |
planta |
Pflanze |
<BB> |
group of plants, plantation |
skov, mark |
mata, nabal |
Wald, Weinberg |
<Btree> |
tree |
bøg, birk |
palmeira |
Kiefer |
<Bflo> |
flower |
rose |
taraxaco |
Lilie |
<Bbush> |
bush, shrub |
gyvel |
rododendro |
Sanddorn |
<Bveg>* |
vegetable |
asparges |
espargo |
Lauch |
cp. also <fruit> (fruit, berries, nuts: maçã,
morango, avelã, melancia)
Human prototypes:
Tag |
<H> |
human (umbrella tag) |
menneske |
ser humano |
Mensch |
<HH> = <org> |
group of humans (companies, (teams, companies) |
klub |
editora |
Gemeinde |
<Hattr> |
attributive human umbrella tag |
- |
-ista, -ante |
- |
<Hbio> |
biological human (race, age ...) |
olding |
mestiço, adulto |
Baby |
<Hfam> |
human with family or other private relation |
kæreste |
pai, noiva |
Schwester |
<Hideo> |
ideological human, follower |
socialist |
dadaista |
Jünger, Humanist |
<Hmyth> |
mythological human (gods, fairy tail humans) |
nisse |
curupira, duende |
Fee |
<Hnat> |
nationality human, inhabitant |
italiener |
lisboeta, ruso |
Brasilianer |
<Hprof> |
professional human, sportsman |
snedker |
marinheiro |
Fußballer |
<Hsick> |
sick human |
Astmatiker |
diabético |
Neurotiker |
<Htit> |
title noun |
frøken |
rei |
Doktor |
Place and spatial prototypes:
Tag |
<L> |
place (umbrella tag) |
sted |
lugar |
Stelle |
<La> = <Lzo> |
animal place |
bikube, rotterede |
- |
Nest, Taubenschlag |
<Labs> |
abstract place |
højdepunkt |
auge |
Fundgrube |
<Lbar> |
barrier noun |
grænse |
limite |
Deich |
<Lciv> |
civitas, town, country, county (with administration) |
landsby |
país |
Hauptstadt |
<Lcover> |
cover, lid |
dyne |
tampa, colcha |
Deckel |
<Ldoor>* |
door (~ <Lhole>) |
portal |
porta |
Scheunentor |
<Lh> |
functional human place |
lufthavn |
anfiteatro |
Wohnzimmer |
<Lopening> |
opening, hole |
sprække |
abertura |
Loch |
<Lpath> |
path (road, street, ...) |
motrovej |
pista |
Pfad |
<Lsoc>* |
social place, no administration, cp. <Lciv> (~ <Lh>) |
forstad* |
- |
Nachbarschaft |
<Lstar> |
star object (planets, comets) |
måne |
cometa |
Quasar |
<Lsurf> |
surface |
gulv |
face, verniz |
Zimmerdecke |
<Ltip> |
tip place, edge (cp. <Labs>) |
forspring |
pico |
Spitze |
<Ltop> |
geographical, natural place |
højslette |
pântano |
Hügel |
<Ltrap> |
trap place |
fælde |
armazelo |
Reuse |
<Lwater> |
water place (river, lake, sea) |
golf |
fonte |
Bach |
cp. also <build> (building), <inst> (institution),
<pict> (picture), <sit> (situation)
cp. also position
prototypes: <pos-an> (anatomical position), <pos-soc>
(social position)
Vehicle prototypes:
Tag |
<V> |
vehicle (umbrella tag), ground |
cykel |
carro |
Traktor |
<VV> |
group of vehicles |
konvoj |
armada |
Flugzeugstaffel |
<Vwater> |
water vehicle (ship) |
kajak |
navio |
U-Boot |
<Vair> |
air vehicle (plane) |
jumbojet |
hidroplano |
Rakete |
Abstract prototypes:
Tag |
<ac> |
abstract countable (umbrella tag) |
funktion |
alternativa |
Chance |
<ac-cat> |
category word |
metafor |
latinismo |
Atomnummer |
<ac-sign> |
sign, symbol |
komma |
parêntese |
Klammeraffe |
<am> |
abstract mass/non-countable (contains many cases that could be subspecified, e.g. as <f-....>) |
gulvvarme |
habilidade |
Energie |
<ax>* |
abstract/concept, neither countable nor mass, cp. <f>, <sit> etc. |
fælleseje |
endogamia |
Herrschaft |
cf. also <f...> (features), <dir> (direction),
<geom...> (shapes), <meta> ("transparent"
cf. also concept prototypes: <conv>
(convention), <domain>, <ism> (idelology), <genre>,
<ling> (language), <disease>, <state...>,
cf. also quantity prototypes: <unit>,
<amount>, <cur> (currency), <mon> (money amount)
Action prototypes:
Tag |
<act> |
action (umbrella tag) (+CONTROL,PERFECTIVE) |
salg |
abdicação |
Einbau |
<act-beat>* |
beating-action (~ <act-d>) |
- |
pancada, surra |
- |
<act-d> |
do-action |
hævnaktion |
teste |
Versuch |
<act-s> |
speech/communicative act |
forespørgsel |
proposta |
Befehl |
<act-trick>* |
trick, cheat, fraud, ruse (~ <act-d>) |
- |
jeito, fraude |
Reklametrick |
<activity> |
spisning |
correria |
Handhabung |
cp. also <fight>, <dance>, <sport>, <game>,
Anatomical prototypes:
Tag |
<an> |
anatomical term (general) |
isse |
dorso |
Kreislauf |
<anmov> |
movable anatomy (arm, leg) |
hånd |
biceps |
Finger |
<anorg> |
organ (heart, liver) |
galdeblære |
hipófise |
Gehirn |
<anost> |
bone |
lårben |
vértebra |
Humerus |
<anzo> |
animal anatomy |
hale |
carapaça |
Labmagen |
<anorn> |
bird anatomy |
hanekam |
pluma |
Schnabel |
<anich> |
fish anatomy |
halefinne |
bránquias |
Flosse |
<anent> |
insect anatomy |
følehorn |
olho composto |
Bienenstachel |
<anbo> |
plant anatomy |
grannål |
folha |
Blüte |
cp. also <f-an> (human anatomical feature)
Tag |
<amount> |
quantity noun |
klat, læs |
bocada, sem-fim |
Handvoll |
<build> |
building, cp. <inst> and <Lh> |
tårn |
casa |
Zitadelle |
Thing prototypes:
Tag |
<cc> |
concrete countable object (normally movable things, unlike e.g. <part-build>) |
ting |
balão |
Objekt |
<cc-h> |
artifact (incl. <cc-play>*) |
pibe |
bomba |
Fußball |
<cc-beauty>* |
ornamental object |
pyntebuket, juvel |
guirlanda |
Perle |
<cc-board>* |
flat long boject (board, plank) |
bræt |
tabla |
Planke |
<cc-cord> = <cord> |
cord, string, rope, tape |
kabel |
fio, arame <cord> |
Schnur |
<cc-fire> |
fire object (bonfire, spark) |
gnist |
fogo |
Flamme |
<cc-handle> |
handle |
hank |
ansa, garra |
Griff |
<cc-light> = <tool-light> |
light artifact |
lommelygte |
lampião, farol |
Scheinwerfer |
<cc-particle> |
(atomic) particle |
elektron |
cátion |
Photon |
<cc-play>* |
play object (part of <cc-h>) |
legoklods |
iôiô |
Puppe |
<cc-r> |
read object |
pas |
bilhete |
Führerschein |
<cc-rag> |
cloth object (towel, carpet, rag, napkin), cp. <mat-cloth> |
klud, viskestykke |
cortina, lençol |
Serviette |
<cc-stone> (<cc-round>) |
stones and stone-sized round objects |
tigerøje |
pedra, tijolo |
Diamant |
<cc-stick> |
tisck object (long and thin) |
stok |
vara |
Gerte |
cp. also <con> (container), <cord> (cord), <furn>
(funiture), <pict> (picture), <tube>, <clo...>
(clothing), <tool...>'
Substance prototypes:
Tag |
<cm> |
concrete mass, substance, non-countable, cf. <mat> |
trækul |
terra, magma |
Mark |
<cm-h> |
human-made substance |
beton |
cemento |
Glaswolle |
<cm-chem> |
chemical substance, also biological |
hormon |
anilina |
Bilirubin |
<cm-gas> |
gas substance [few] |
klor |
argônio |
Luft |
<cm-liq> |
liquid substance |
benzin |
gasolina |
Wasser |
<cm-rem> (<rem>) |
remedy (medical or hygiene) |
paracetamol |
antibiótico |
Aspirin |
cp. also <mat...> (materials)
Clothing prototypes:
Tag |
<cloA>* |
animal clothing |
skyklap |
sela |
Satteldecke |
<cloH> |
human clothing |
kjole |
bermudas |
Anorak |
<cloH-beauty> |
beauty clothing, jewelry |
haldkæde |
diadema |
Ohrring |
<cloH-hat> |
hat |
mitra |
sombrero |
Krone |
<cloH-shoe> |
shoe |
træsko |
bota, patim |
Pantoffel |
Collective prototypes:
Tag |
<coll-cc> |
thing collective, pile |
stak |
baralho |
Haufen |
<coll-B>* |
plant part collective |
løv |
folhagem |
Wurzelgeflect |
<coll-sem> |
semantic collective, collection |
arkiv |
repertório |
Antologie |
<coll-tool> |
tool collective, set |
service, grej |
instrumentário |
Schlüsselbund |
cp. also <HH> (group), <AA> (herd), <BB> (plantation), <VV> (convoy)
Tag |
<col> |
coulor (implies <f>) |
purpur |
verde-mar |
Ultramarin |
<con> |
container, implies <num+> and <cc-h> |
flaske |
chícara |
Koffer |
<conv> |
convention (social rule/law) |
regel |
lei |
Kodex |
<cur> |
currency noun (countable, implies <unit>, cv. <mon>) |
dollar |
real, dirham |
Euro |
<dance> |
dance (both <acctivity>, <genre> and <sem-l>) |
vals |
forró, flamenco |
Foxtrott |
<dir> |
direction noun |
øst |
contrasenso |
Steuerbord |
<domain> |
domain (subject matter, profession, cf. <genre>) |
kemi |
anatomia |
Medizin |
<drink> |
drink |
mælk |
guaraná, moca |
Weißwein |
Time and event prototypes:
Tag |
<dur> |
duration noun (implies <unit>) cf. <per>, <temp> |
time |
mês |
Augenblick |
<event> |
eksplosion |
milagre |
Einsturz |
for <event>, cp. also <occ> (organized event), <process>, <act...> and <activity>
Feature prototypes:
Tag |
<f> |
feature, property |
klæbeevne |
problematicidade |
Proportionalität |
<f-an> (<f-phys-h>) |
anatomical “local” feature (incl. countables) |
smilehuller |
olheiras |
Sommersprossen |
<f-c> |
general countable feature |
- |
vestígio |
Merkmal |
<f-h> (<f-phys-h>) |
human physical feature, not countable |
ynde |
lindura |
Sonnenbräune |
<f-psych> |
human psychological feature (often <am>) |
vrede |
passionalidade |
Ehrlichkeit |
<f-q> |
quantifiable feature |
viskøsitet |
calor |
Länge |
<f-phys> |
physical feature |
konkavitet |
- |
Trockenheit |
<f-right> |
social feature, right, duty |
copyright |
privilégio |
Wahlrecht |
<f-surf> |
surface feature |
plet |
- |
Wulst |
cp. also state prototypes: <state>, <state-h> (human state)
Food prototypes:
Tag |
<food> |
natural/simplex food |
kød |
aveia |
Reis |
<food-c> |
countable food |
kødben |
ovo* |
Knoblauchzehe |
<food-h> |
human-prepared/complex culinary food |
leverpostej |
lasanha |
Borschtsch |
<food-c-h> |
culinary countable food |
karbonade |
pastel, enchido |
Keks |
cp. also <drink>, <fruit>, <spice>*
Tag |
<fight> |
fight, conflict (also <sit> and <activity> , +TEMP) |
slagsmål* |
briga |
Streit |
<fruit> |
fruit, berry, nut (but often classified as <food-c>) |
mandel |
cebola, amora |
Kirsche |
<furn> |
furniture |
seng |
cadeira |
Schreibtisch |
cp. also <part-build> (fixed house installations)
Concept prototypes:
Tag |
<game> |
game |
poker |
bilhar |
Blindekuh |
<genre> |
genre (especially art), cf. <domain> |
modernisme |
tropicalismo |
Jugendstil |
cp. also <conv> (convention), <dance>, <domain>,
<ism> (idelology), <ling> (language), <disease>,
<sport>, <state...>, <therapy>
Tag |
<geom> |
geometry noun, shape |
pentagon |
elipse |
Quader |
<geom-line> |
line [few] |
sinuskurve |
linha |
Perzentile |
<inst> |
human-behaving functional building (“institution”) fusion of <Lh> + <HH> |
biograf |
auto-escola |
Börse |
<ism> |
ideology, value system |
anarkisme |
apartheid |
Islam |
<ling> |
language |
tysk |
catalão |
Latein |
<mach> |
machine (complex, acts), cp. <tool> |
støvsuger |
limpa-pratos |
Computer |
<mat> |
material, cp. <cm...> |
bronze |
argila |
Plastik |
<mat-cloth> |
clot material, textile |
silke |
kevlar, couro |
Baumwolle |
<meta> |
meta noun |
slags |
tipo |
Art |
<mon> |
amount of money, cf. <cur> |
SU, afkast |
bolsa, custo |
Maut |
<mon-c> |
countable <mon> |
CO2-afgift |
- |
Gewinn |
<month> |
month noun/name |
august |
julho |
Dezember |
<occ> |
occasion, complex human/social event, cp. unorganized <event> |
VM, julefrokost |
jantar, desfile |
Prüfung, Modeschau |
<per> |
period of time (during+) |
praktik |
guerra |
Osterferien |
Part prototypes:
Tag |
<part> |
distinctive or functional part |
sektion |
ingrediente |
Teil, Abschnitt |
<part-build> |
structural part of building |
gavl |
balustrada |
Treppenabsatz |
<part-V> |
structural part of vehicle |
kofanger |
estai* |
Steuer |
<part-clo>* |
clothing part |
frakkeskød |
- |
Kragen |
<part-sem>* |
part of semantic product |
førsteakt* |
- |
Kapitel |
<part-tool>* |
tool part, cf. <cc-handle> |
lydhoved* |
- |
Gewehrlauf |
<piece> |
indistinctive (little) piece |
krumme |
pedaço |
Scherbe |
<part> can, in principle, be freely combined with most
physical prototypes. Experimentally, we have thus for some languages
used <part-mach>, <part-an> etc.
cp. also other
structurals, such as <cc-handle>, <Ltip>
Perception prototypes:
Tag |
<percep-e>* |
emotion (e.g. love) cp. <f-psych>, <state-h> |
frygt* |
- |
Ambivalenz, Heimweh |
<percep-f> |
what you feel (senses or sentiment), e.g. pain |
kløe, sult, tørst |
desagrado, arrepio |
Kälteschauer, Magenschmerz |
<percep-l> |
sound (what you hear) |
brag |
berro, barrulho |
Pfeifen, Rasseln |
<percep-o> |
olfactory impression (what you smell) |
tjærelugt |
bafo, fragrância |
Veilchenduft |
<percep-t> |
what you taste |
ølsmag |
- |
Geschmack* |
<percep-w> |
visual impression (what you see) |
fakkelskær |
arco-iris |
Abenddämmerung |
For most languages, <percep-e> is so far not distinguished as a separate category, and will appear as <f-psych>, or rarrely as <state-h> or <am>
Tag |
<pict> |
picture (combination of <cc>, <sem-w> and <L> |
portræt |
caricatura |
Szintogramm |
<pos-an> |
anatomical/body position |
sideleje |
cesaprumo* |
Hocke |
<pos-soc> |
social position, job |
stilling |
condado, presidência |
Patenschaft |
<process> |
process (-COONTROL, IMPERFECTIVE), cp. <event>, <act>, <activity> |
strømning, konvektion |
balcanização |
Stagnation |
Semantic product prototypes:
Tag |
<sem> |
semiotic artifact, work of art (umbrella tag) |
værk |
opus |
Alltagskunst |
<sem-c> |
cognition product (concept, plan, system) |
formodning |
esquema, plano |
Vorurteil |
<sem-l> |
“listen-work” (music) often implying <genre> implied by <dance> |
sang |
prelúdio bossa-nova |
Sonate |
<sem-nons> |
nonsense, rubbish |
sludder |
galimatias |
Quatsch |
<sem-r> |
read-work, e.g. novel |
roman |
biografia |
Dissertation |
<sem-s> |
speak-work, speech product |
vittighed |
palestra |
Antrittsrede |
<sem-w> |
watch-work (visual) |
skuespil |
telenovela |
Kurzfilm |
cp. <act-s> (speach act), <talk> (a speech
cf. also concept prototypes: <conv>
(convention), <domain>, <ism> (idelology), <game>,
<genre>, <ling> (language), <disease>, <state...>,
Tag |
<sick> |
disease (concept, not state) |
ledegigt |
AIDS, sida |
Diabetes |
<sick-c> |
countable disease-object |
vorte |
abscesso |
Wunde, Pickel |
cp. <state-h>
(human state)
State-of-affairs prototypes:
Tag |
<sit> |
psychological situation or physical state of affairs |
anarki |
reclusão, illegalidade |
Rentnerdasein |
<state> |
state (of something), else <sit> |
ro, atomfrihed |
abundância |
Gleichgewicht |
<state-h> |
human state |
feber |
euforia |
Somnolenz |
<system>* |
system, <sit> + <sem> |
adelsvælde, delebilisme |
- |
- |
cp. <f-...>, especially <f-psych> and <f-phys-h>, which cover innate features
Tag |
<sport> |
sport, implies <domain> and <activity>, cp. <game> |
tennis |
futebol, capoeira |
Golf |
<talk> |
talk, discussion, quarrel, implies <act-s>, <sit> and <activity> |
samtale, skænderi |
entrevista, lero-lero, bate-papo |
Gespräch, Diskussion |
<temp> |
temporal object, point in time, cp. <per>, <dur> test: until/since + |
midnat |
amanhecer |
Vorabend, Sylvester |
<therapy> |
therapy (also <domain> and <activity>) |
massage |
balneoterapia |
Akupunktur |
Tool prototypes:
Tag |
<tool> |
tool (umbrella tag), implies <cc-h> |
blyant |
abana-moscas |
Hammer |
<tool-cut> |
cutting tool, e.g. knife |
sværd |
canivete |
Beil, Machete |
<tool-shoot> = <tool-gun> |
shooting tool, gun |
pistol |
metralhadora |
Armbrust |
<tool-mus> |
musical instrument |
violin |
clavicórdio |
Klavier, Flöte |
<tool-sail> |
sailing tool, sail |
spinnaker |
vela latina |
Focksegel |
cp. also <mach> (machine), <cc-light> (same as <tool-light>)
suggested: <tool-l> (listening tool), <tool-s> (speech tool), <tool-w> (watch tool) , <tool-fight> (fighting-tool)
Tag |
<tube> |
tube object |
pipeline |
cânula |
Schlauch |
<unit> |
unit noun, implies <num+> implied by <cur>, <dur> |
centimeter |
caloria |
Lux, kg |
Weather prototypes:
Tag |
<wea> |
weather (states) |
glatis |
bruma |
Nebel, Smog |
<wea-c> |
countable weather phenomenon |
skybrud |
tsunami, nuvem |
Wolke |
<wea-rain> |
rain and other precipitation |
hagl |
neve |
Nieselregen |
<wea-wind> |
wind, storm |
kuling |
brisa, furacão |
Strum |
compiled January 2009
comments: eckhard.bick@mail.dk