Teaching & Research
This Teaching & Research license applies to schools and universities. It allows DeepDict data to be used in an educational context and published as excerpts in academic papers or teaching materials, but not in a commercial context.
A school or university license covers all staff and all students working with or studying a given DeepDict language, and will be valid for all computers accessing the internet through the institution’s IP number. For primary schools (folkeskole) only foreign language students at 8th grade or higher have to be included in this number. Please contact us for a subscription, providing estimated user numbers for the languages you would like to use DeepDict for. As a bonus, GramTrans machine translation and the QuickDict function will be included without extra charge for the language(s) in question.
Price Table
(per 6-month period)
- 1-99 users: 995,- DKK
- 100-199 users: 1.995,- DKK
- 200-499 users: 3.995,- DKK
- 500-749 users: 4.995,- DKK
- 750-999 users: 5.995,- DKK
- 1000-1499 users: 8.995,- DKK
- 1500-1999 users: 10.995,- DKK
- 2000-2999 users: 14.995,- DKK
- 3000+ users: 4000,- DKK per 1000 additional users