A school or university license has a wider scope than other licenses, as it also includes free access to special dynamic dictionary functions (DeepDict), and an enlarged version of QuickDict. A school or university license covers all staff and all students taking English classes or working with English text, rather than individuals, and will be valid for all computers accessing the internet through the institution’s IP number. Normally, license fees will therefore be calculated from the number of students registered (gymnasium/high school and college/university) or students at 8th grade or higher (folkeskole/primary school). Please contact us, providing this information, in order to subscribe for a school license. (contact us, providing this information, in order to subscribe for a school license.
Price Table
- 1-99: 995,- DKK
- 100-199: 1.995,- DKK
- 200-499: 3.995,- DKK
- 500-749: 4.995,- DKK
- 750-999: 5.995,- DKK
- 1000-1499: 8.995,- DKK
- 1500-1999: 10.995,- DKK
- 2000-2999: 14.995,- DKK
- 3000+: 4000,- DKK per 1000 additional students