User Dictionary
This is the maintenance page for your user dictionaries. You can upload, replace and combine different user dictionaries, for instance in order to improve the general quality of domain-specific translations, or simply to override individual GramTrans translations of technical terms, names etc. that you would like to see translated differently.
Please note the following about user dictionaries:
- A user dictionary must only contain expressions that can safely be used “as is”, the translation will thus simple replace the original in the tranlated sentence, and multi-word expressions will thus only work if all part occur next to each other in the text.
- Translations from a user dictionary will override all other possible translations, and will apply regardless of context.
GramTrans supports 2 different formats of user dictionaries. In both, each translation pair should have its separate line, with a colon as separator directly in front of the target language expression.
- The first format is for word forms only, so plural forms, for instance, need to be listed separately: vinkelhastighed :angular velocity
- The second format contains word class information, attached to the source language expression with an underscore, and does support regular inflexion (N = noun, PROP = proper noun, ADJ = adjective, V = verb). In this format, in-word spaces have to be replaced with equal-signs: vinkelhastighed_N :angular=velocity
The two formats may be mixed in one dictionary.
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